Friday, October 9, 2009

City College Garage Sale - October 24th

I will have more to post soon; however, I did want to make certain that I provided some background to this event and a link to the website where you can get more information about how you can participate as a vendor, donor, or volunteer.

Why are we having the "Save CCSF Classes Garage Sale and Flea Market"?

From the website:

"As the budget crisis continues in the State and, by extension, at City College of San Francisco, we would like to invite you to help restore classes and increase counseling hours by supporting the first Citywide Save CCSF Classes Garage Sale and Market. Some 800 classes are being cut during Academic Year 2009/10. Thousands of City College students are being affected by these cuts. Your participation in this community event will enable the College to restore classes and increase counseling hours during the Spring 2010 term. The goals of this event are both to raise funds for the College and to educate the public about the shortage of funding for education in California.

If additional information is requested, please contact the Marketing and Public Information Office at (415) 239-3680.

We look forward to your valuable participation in this community event to Save City College Classes for Spring Semester 2010!"